Sunday, August 21, 2011

Spelling Words

Here is a list of our new spelling words:

1. huge
2. few
3. usual
4. menu
5. shoot
6. fruit
7. bruise
8. excuse
9. nephew
10. pupil

**Remember: There will be a bonus word that is from our reading this week. This word will be discussed and written, but never will be said to be the bonus spelling word.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Classroom Rules

In our classroom we have 4 rules.

1. Respect yourself and others
2. If it's not yours - don't touch
3. Always do your best
4. Use your manners

We will be reviewing these daily throughout the school year. These rules are even posted on my wall and are provided in the Welcome Packet.

Please review these with your children at home.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Welcome To Our Classroom!

Welcome to Ms. Dennis' 4th grade Classroom!

I am so excited to start this school year with a bang! This year we are going to explore The Alamo, ecosystems, video blogging, the book: Island Of The Blue Dolphins, and writing in our very own writer's journal.

Every week I will be sending home a newsletter with information and homework. In case the newsletter gets lost you can refer back to my teacher page for information. This blog will be kept updated with information as well.

Let the learning and fun begin!